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2015-2016 ACE Election Results

ACE Election Results The ballots are counted and the results are ready to be announced for the 2015-2016 ACE of Florida Board of Directors. The participation in this year’s ACE election was at an all-time high. More ballots were cast than any election in recent history. A special thank you to all of the candidates…


Overview of Pertinent WIOA Statutes and Federal Regulations

Integrated Education and Training An Overview of Pertinent WIOA Statutes and Federal Regulations This document contains the following information regarding Integrated Education and Training as authorized in WIOA and associated regulations: Definition Required Components, including citations and related definitions Guidance regarding the term “integrated” Guidance regarding the term “educational and career advancement.” Definition Integrated Education…


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – Five Notices of Proposed Rulemaking Available for Public Inspection

Flash Edition April 3, 2015 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act— Five Notices of Proposed Rulemaking Available for Public Inspection On Thursday, April 2, 2015, the Department of Education released a program memorandum announcing five notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRMs) related to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). We encourage you to share this information…