
ACE of Florida serves as the representative body for adult and community educators in Florida across both National and State Legislatures, the Florida Department of Education, and various state agencies. The organization diligently monitors national and state legislation, along with regulatory frameworks, actively endorsing initiatives which benefit and support all facets of adult education, including literacy, technical, community, and workforce education.

Any successful  advocacy relies on the individual.  Each of you within the adult education community is called upon to undertake the responsibility of advocating for both students and programs. You serve as the primary voice of adult education within your respective districts, where your influence is most pivotal. Given that policymakers, legislators, and educational leaders routinely make decisions with direct ramifications for adult education programs, it is imperative that they understand the substantial contributions made towards cultivating productive citizenship and economic self-sufficiency among students. 

The key to productive advocacy is your personal involvement. Effecting meaningful change necessitates concerted efforts from the entire adult education community, encompassing ACE of Florida, practitioners, students, and business partners alike. 

ACE of Florida has demonstrated outstanding and successful advocacy for over three decades.  We stand ready to help as needed.  The information contained in this website will support you in your advocacy efforts.

I encourage you to explore the advocacy resources provided in the links under "Advocacy" above. Further, if we can be of help in providing you assistance in your local advocacy efforts please do not hesitate to contact the ACE Office.  

Julie Roberts, Executive Director