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Osceola County School District

Timothy Burdette Executive Director of Secondary & Post-Secondary
Alberto Gonzalez College & Career Counselor
Aleida Martinez
Alexander Mayancela
Ali Renda ESOL teacher
Amy Robbins
Andrea Barletta
Angela Quispe Teacher
Anya KalashniKova Career Counselor
Blacina Jabiel
Brenda N. Monroig Lopez School Counselor
Carlos Morales
Carol Tudor Administrative Assistant
Clara Hale Data Quality Analyst
Cynthia Mariani-Gonzalez Career Service Advisor
Deborah Bowser
Dorothy Archard ESOL instructor
Edwin Rios Teacher - Adult Ed
Erica Martinez
Esther Jimenez Career Specialist
Eugene French Assistant Principal
Grisel Gutierrez
Harry Cruz Teacher
Heriberto Rivera Teacher
Iris Rodriguez
Jeffery Keller
Joseph Trybus Coordinator of CTE
Karen Combs Principal
Leticia Cardona-Rubio Career Counselor
Lucille Rios ESOL teacher
Marcia Yetman ESOL Teacher
Margarita Ortiz Torres Grants & Marketing
Melinda Garcia CTE Resource Teacher
Melissa Allers Resource Specialist
Melissa Padgett Teacher
Michelle Overstreet
Michelle Overstreet Assistant Principal
Michelle Perez-Vazquez
Mollie Akes Grants & Marketing
Patricia Herman GED Testing Specialist
Rachel Cruz GED Instructor
Rhonda Goiz
Rob Moody CTE Resource Specialist
Robert Dombo Principal
Rosa Diaz
Sandra Morales
Sarah Butler Teacher ELA
Sonia N Rodriguez
Stephen Darago Coordinator
Sullymar Reices-Irizarry Program Specialist
Sylika Camahco-Irshad Teacher
Teresa Haupt Bookkeeper
Tiffany Bell Assistant Principal
Tiffany Chappell-Proctor College & Career Counselor
Tiffany Guerrero Accounting Clerk II
Timothy Hefner Classroom Instructor
Vianey Reid
Wendy Norton Resource Specialist
Yamira Diaz Teacher